Artist Alley


Artist Alley tables are $150 each and come with 1 badge that you will pick up in Artist Alley. Artists will have the opportunity to purchase an additional multi-day/artist alley badge for $45.

Open Hours:

At this time, we expect the Artist Alley to be open to the public for the following days/hours (they could change beforehand):

  • Friday:  1p-7p
  • Saturday: 10a-7p
  • Sunday: 10a-3p

Merchandise Rules:

Please be sure to read the rules before applying(form found at the bottom of the page).

  • Crafted items are permitted, as long as they are handmade and not manufactured by someone else.
  • Fanart is permitted but it must be of your own creation and not eyeballed/traced/referenced off of pre-existing work. If we are contacted by a copyright holder in regards to any infringement by an artist, we will assist the holder to stop the sale of the item/s in question and the artist will be held liable.
  • There is a very strict no-pedophilia policy and that includes imagery pertaining to pedobear as well.
  • No AI art. If you are found to be selling AI art you will be removed from our event with no refund and not accepted for future events.
  • If you are selling anything 18+ you must not have it openly visible and you must ID people who wish to look at it.
  • Merchandise with slogans or graphics depicting bodily fluids are not permitted to be sold.
  • No food or drink items of any kind are permitted to be sold.
  • No raffles or games of chance are permitted.
  • Wet paint is prohibited.

Table Information:

We do not resell unclaimed tables at the event. Any tables unclaimed by 2pm on the first day Artist Alley is open to the public will be taken down until the artist arrives and claims their spots. We have to remove any empty tables, as we’ve had issues with random artists trying to set up at empty tables. Table sharing is only acceptable with artists listed in your application.


Our Artist Alley will be in a room that gets locked up at night.


A $15 electricity fee, which we pay to the venue, will be added to your table cost and included in your total payment if electricity is requested. You are welcome to share electricity with other artists within a reasonable distance (up to 25′ away). If you plan to do so, please let us know and we will try to place you close to that artist. Please bring your own extension cord, but inform us once you’re plugged in, so that we can tape down your cord for safety.

Otaku Flea Market & Craft Fair:

Colossalcon North hosts the following events which may conflict with sales in the artist alley.

  • Otaku Art & Craft Fair on Saturday
    This is a one-day evening free market where attendees may sell their own art or crafted items. It is an opportunity for new artists to see if they have what it takes to be in an artist alley full-time and for artists who didn’t get a table to sell their wares.
  • Otaku Flea Market on Sunday
    This is a one-day free market where attendees may sell their unwanted anime and video game related items.

If you have a problem with these events, please do not apply.

Selection Process:

We will select artists by a jury system. Your application does not constitute a contract of any kind, it is simply an application. Please be as thorough as possible when submitting links to your work as this is what we’ll primarily be judging artists on, if not entirely. We understand that your inventory is likely to change.

Submission Closure & Acceptance:

Submissions will close on July 20th, 2025. Acceptance emails will begin going out on August 4th, 2025.


Any artist not accepted on the first round will automatically be placed on a waitlist.
Payment for the first-round of artist alley tables will be expected by August 11th, 2025.
Any unpaid tables after that date will be released for sale to artists on the waitlist.
A second wave of accepted applications will likely go out on August 14th, 2025.

Only the top 25 artists on the waitlist will receive a numbered position on the waitlist. All others are considered on the waitlist in no particular order. We intend to email all applicants, whether they be in the first-round of accepted artists, numbered wait list, or general waitlist by August 14th, 2025. Because we are often asked, below are the rough odds that someone on the numbered wait list will get into the AA. This is by no means a guarantee.

  • position 1-6: 95% chance
  • position 7-12: 45% chance
  • position 13-20: 35% chance
  • position 21-25: 15% chance


Refunds are available if requested more than one month before the con. Please email us if you wish to refund.
